On April 6, 2022, the Jr./Sr. High Division participated in Career Day. This annual event allows students to attend presentations from professionals in the workforce and learn about what their careers entail. Due to the continued COVID protocols on campus, this year's Career Day was presented in a virtual format. Some of the careers the students were able to learn about were: financial advising, photography, video production, college professor and US Army engineer.

Above, the Sophmore class learns from former St. Joseph student and recent college graduate, Jaina Galves, about her career as a video production coordinator and her experiences working with companies like Microsoft and Amazon.
Below, the class of 2023 is learning from Tracey Lyn Gapol of Tracey Lyn Photography about what it takes to be an entrepeneur and operate a photography business.

All the presentations were very informative and provided good advise to the students.
Thank you to all the career professionals who took time out of their busy schedules to record their presentations and share their knowledge and expertise with the students of St. Joseph School. We appreciate your time and talents.