On Wednesday December 1, 2021, St. Joseph High School opened their gymnasium doors to the public. They provided a place to take the second Covid 19 vaccine shot. Many people registered online at ktasuperstores.com website. Over 232 people signed up to attend. With much preparation by our SJS team, and help from our National Guard, they provided a total of 278 vaccine shots including walk-in families. Wow! What a blessing everyone!
After taking the vaccine shot, people were invited to rest for 15 minutes before leaving. During the wait time, all were entertained with a variety of Christmas movies on a big screen and were given a special snack. All the kids got a balloon and a goodie bag while watching the movie. All in all, a big MAHALO to all the families who took the vaccine shot. A special shout out to Malama La Hawaii non-profit organization, our United States National Guard, KTA Supermarket staff members, and the SJS Ohana for putting this event together for our local community.
Let us continue to pray for each other, our families, and the global community in these unprecedented times.
Merry Christmas to all!