Priesthood Sunday
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Priesthood Sunday is a special day to honor the priesthood in the United States. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the central role of the priesthood in the Church's life. With priests, we can receive Jesus in the Eucharist. St. Augustine said, "O wonderful the dignity of priests; in whose hands the Son of God is made flesh as in the womb of the Virgin." "Priesthood Sunday is designed to be an event led by the laity. The US Council of Serra International coordinates and sponsors this nationwide event.
Please do not wait until your priest/s retires or moves to another assignment to celebrate their service. Like Father's Day, let Priesthood Sunday be the one day a year when we make it a point to make priests feel genuinely appreciated and special.
Mahalo nui, e nā kahu!
Thank you, Father Poli and Father Ferdi for your spirtual guidance and leadership for St. Joseph Parish and School.