Japanese Language Students Make Pen Pals with Students in Japan

Posted on February 29, 2024 in: General News

Japanese Language Students Make Pen Pals with Students in Japan

Our Japanese Language students, levels 1 - 3, received letters from students in Japan as a part of a letter exchange program with Seto Solan Elementary. 4th graders wrote to our students in Japanese and included a translated version of their letter in English. 

Pictured above are a few of the letters that were received. Each student chose one of our students to write to. They introduced themsleves and shared about their families, likes, and hobbies. A few asked if dodgeball was popular in HawaiĘ»i. One asked if we have Baskin and Robins Ice Cream.

Our students will be writing back to them in English and including a translated version of their letter in Japanese. Pictured below, our students stand in front of the letters they received from Seto Solan Elementary.

The letters are being displayed in the halls of the Jr./Sr. High Division of campus. We invite you to stop by and read them! 

Great job Cardinals. You make St. Joseph proud!

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