The Mission of St. Joseph School is to celebrate the uniqueness of each student through an academically rigorous and spiritually rich curriculum. St. Joseph students learn, in a safe and disciplined environment, to care for themselves and others and to accept responsibility for making a just and loving society through the generous use of their personal talents and gifts.
St. Joseph School would like to recognise the academic excellence of our Jr./Sr. High students in the first semester.
There are two separate Honor Rolls: Principal’s List and Academic Honor Roll. To merit either, a student must have only A's and/or B's in all subjects and Excellent, Very Good and/or Satisfactory conduct. Moreover, a student must not have any disciplinary tags or reviews.
To qualify for the Principal’s List, a student must have a Grade Point Average of 3.95 or higher. 12 students, in grades seven through twelve, received this merit.
To qualify for the Academic Honor Roll, a student must have a Grade Point Average of 3.0-3.9. 20 - seventh through twelfh graders made the academic honor roll.
We would like to congratulate these students and highlight their academic accomplishments.
Great job Cardinals. You make St. Joseph proud!