Cyanotype Photography

Posted on April 17, 2023 in: General News

Cyanotype Photography

Cyanotype photography is a camera-less technique that involves laying an object on paper coated with a solution of iron salts before exposing it to UV light and washing with water to create white and blue images.

Above, Mrs. Moreau's Art class learns about cyanotype photography. They used cyanotypes and light sensitive paper to produce cyan blue prints. The papers were prepared with light sensitive solution and dried in a dark cabinet. The students then use leaves, flowers, and their etching plates to create negatives.

The positive space is then made by exposing the cyanoprint to UV light. A chemical reaction occurs and turns the exposed paper to a deep Prussian blue The more sun exposure, the darker the print. The paper is then rinsed off and the unreacted solution is rinsed out. Below are all the students' cyanotype prints displayed on the bulletin board in the hallways of the Jr./Sr. High Division


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