Jr. /Sr. High Mid-Term Exams will take place from December 12 to December 16.

All Jr./Sr. High School students are only required to attend school for the classes that they have finals for. There will be 2 finals administered each day:
Exam 1: 8:00a - 9:30a, HST
Exam 2: 10:00a - 11:30a, HST
If the student does not have a final, they are not required to attend school.
If a student has an 8am mid-term, and does not have a 10am mid-term, they are welcome to leave campus early (please arrange pickup). If a student does not have an 8am mid-term, but has a 10am mid-term, they are welcome to come to campus later (please be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes before the exam starts).
The following is a summary of the Mid-Term Exam Schedule:
Monday (12/12): Period 1 & Period 2
Tuesday (12/13): Period 3 & Period 4
Wednesday (12/14): Period 5 & Period 6
Thursday (12/15): Period 7 & Period 8
Friday (12/16): Makeup Exams 8:00 - 10:00a
Grab-n-Go lunch service will be available Monday - Thursday. Pick-up will be at 11:30a. Please inform your homeroom teacher no later than 8:00am if you intend on ordering lunch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the front office at: (808)935-4936.