On Thursday, November 10, St. Joseph School had the honor of having members of The Veterans of Foreign Wars, VFW Post 3830, join us on campus to recite the Pledge of Alliegance with our elementary students. Below, a couple of students show their appreciation by giving lei to the veterans.

The veterans also took time sit and talk with the students.
After spending time with the elementary students, VFW Post 3230 was invited to the Jr./Sr. High Division to participate in a recognition ceremony for our veterans on campus. We would like to thank Mr. Danie (Vietnam), Mr. Eftink (Desert Storm), and Mrs. Nardo (Iraqi Freedom) for their service.

Above, one of our Jr./Sr. High students gives Mr. Danie, Mr. Eftink and Mrs. Nardo lei of appreciation. Below a picture of the members of VFW Post 3830 stand in front of the school.

St. Joseph School would like to thank all veterans for their service. Mahalo!