For the first time since the pandemic, our students were allowed to celebrate Halloween with a costume parade and tent-or-treat event. On Monday, October 31, the kindergarten through 12 graders came to school in their costumes ready for a morning full of fun. The Elementary children participated with a parade past the preschool and through the halls of the elementary. Below, the fifth grade class and our kindergaten friends get ready to walk through the elementary halls in their costumes.

Our Elementary P.E. Teacher, Mr. N., dressed up as Principal and Head of School for the day. Here he is posing with St. Joseph.

The Jr./Sr. High classes set up themed tents and distributed candy as their younger friends walked through the elementary halls.

Below, the 7th Graders with their Werewolf Hair Salon.

Above, the 8th Graders operated a Vampire Dentistry while, below, the Seniors had their emergency clinic.

It was a great time had by all. Thank you to the faculty and staff for supporting this event. Good job to the SJS Student Council for organizing the tent-or-treat event. Most of all thank you to all the students for participating. You all made this a super success!

Can't wait till next year!